mighty pencil to the rescue..
Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 12:06 PM
What? A pencil describes my personality? Aha! That's totally true. You see, I love to write even though my writing doesn't have sense sometimes. The effect, I envy good writers.haha. Now, take a look at a pencil. It's not as extravagant as the other writing materials but you can see that it still have function. It's not like a lame old man who can't do anything. Take a look at me now. You see a young lady who's not like the other bright kids around. I'm an average gal with a minimum capability. I'm not like the others who are too intelligent and smart but deep inside me, I know I can also succeed in life. I believe that I can. One thing that the pencil and I also have in common is that we can fight the bad guys even without having bruises and a single drop of blood. I can fight them by writing and not by physical interaction. I know they'll not read what I wrote about them but I'm glad I fought back and won the battle.. :)
Talk Around
Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 7:26 PM
Hello dear mitchinary. It's been weeks since I last updated you. Well then, I have a lot of stuffs in store for you right now. Let me tell you about our exams. Oh yeah! It was our first periodical test and I had such a hard time reviewing my notes since I don't review regularly. Yah, I know I 'm a lazy student. I find our exams really difficult to handle especially science and geometry. God! What's with the torture and all? Although I know that sophomore year will be harder than freshman year, I still hoped it will be a little bit easier but mind you, it's not. I'm actually planning to do some sort of transformation more of a change between me and my studies but I think I can't do it since I'm used to reviewing only when there's a quiz the next day and so on; I think I can't adapt to a certain environment that I'm not used of doing.
*change topic*
Have you heard of Chris Cantada, the drummer of Sponge Cola who's moving out of the group? Well, oh well even though I'm praying he's not..I think he's still moving out of the band because of some health problems that he's encountering now. I've also read that even before they made the Transit album, he was decided to leave but see, he was still the drummer in their 3rd album and I think this will be his last project. I'm very disappointed with a mix of sadness. As you see, I didn't even see them personally and now, I'll not be able to see the original members of SC! How could they do that to me? Now, I'm crying in the corner helplessly.
*change topic*
I love CEFC! You know why?...'cause it's the place where I get the latest tidbits of chunnie and baobei. It's where I get the most adorable photos and PS-ed pics of CE. It's where I met a very nice and humongous family. I hope you know what I'm talking about.haha
*change topic*
Olympic fever! hooray! I know this is already very late but I just want to share my experience while watching the events of the Olympics over the television. "jia you..jia you.." People inside the Bird's Nest in Beijing chanted such raucous words which means "you can do it..you can do it.." The opening ceremony was awesome. It's great. It's priceless. What more can I ask for? NOTHING more. I know that our country didn't have any medals but I do hope all of you are still very proud of them because just joining that certain event is already a big thing. I can proudly say that I salute you, Filipino athletes. Let's look at the brighter side. Beijing also has a wu shu tournament wherein Filipinos bagged some medals and even one gold medal produced by Willy Wang. I was hopping in happiness when I heard our national anthem being played. Now, I haven't watched the closing ceremony since I did something. My friend told me that Rain was there. Argh..why didn't I just watched it. I could have seen Rain perform in the Olympics. Waah! anyway, I'm happy though that South Korea was in the top 10 of the overall medal standings. Yey! hehe
Hey. I can't think of anymore topics. I'm in the process of a writer's block. Duh, Am I even a writer?..nah..maybe, a feeling-writer. haha I hope you enjoy reading it. Till next post. Anyong..
Nokia 5310 Xpress Music
Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 2:58 PM

Wooh! I've been eyeing for this cellphone model for months now. I like the slim
and sleek feature of this one. Plus, it can store a lot of tracks and it has a loud
speaker. It also is very small making it a cute must-have. The thing is, I don't ownand sleek feature of this one. Plus, it can store a lot of tracks and it has a loud
such gadget. I only have the chance to see it through the internet but I already saw
it one time when I was in a cellphone repair shop. I wanna have it! Oh, please
be mine... I beg you. Ugh, I'm too exaggerating. Maybe because I'm longing for a new
cellular phone.
it one time when I was in a cellphone repair shop. I wanna have it! Oh, please
be mine... I beg you. Ugh, I'm too exaggerating. Maybe because I'm longing for a new
cellular phone.
Where do you belong?
Thursday, August 14, 2008 @ 7:56 PM
Where do you belong?
they say that small minds talk
about people;
average minds talk about events;
while great minds talk about ideas..
I don't know what to choose..sometimes,
I have that and that and that..
better yet, I'll just leave
that query hanging on..
they say that small minds talk
about people;
average minds talk about events;
while great minds talk about ideas..
I don't know what to choose..sometimes,
I have that and that and that..
better yet, I'll just leave
that query hanging on..
Happy Rainy Birthday!
Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 11:38 AM
The 9th day of August is my date of birth. Well, it's very common for people and preferably kids to blow candles and have fancy cakes and have parties and so on for their birthdays but, I'm no longer a kid; I'm no longer that kid who cries when she's left behind, I'm no longer that kid who gets bruises because of playing for hours in the playground. I'm now fourteen years old; oftenly said as
a teenager. I'm now old enough to face and risk things if it's for my own good. It's time to change!(if I can..)
Okay, yesterday, I celebrated my birthday. A special day indeed! But, it was kind of just an ordinary day for me. I did go to school because I though we're going to take pictures for our project in Social Studies but our leader did not show up so we decided not to push through. My classmates were like broken cd's- "Happy Birthday, Happy Blowout..."haha. Duh, as id I have enough money to feed all of them. And besides, I will be the one who'll get bankrupt when I'll treat such numerous person. After that, my mom and I ate our lunch at Max's Restaurant(kiddo..yum!) She paid the bill of course. I was seriously not yet fulled that time we left the restaurant but hey, she bought me a yogurt and I was very happy because I love yougurt. After that, we went home and I for sure went straight infront of the computer screen. Suite! Then, my mom cooked some food and some of my cousins and my aunt came. My sister, as always was the photographer. She kept on taking photos even if I'm a little bit irritated with what she's doing. So yeah, to sum up the event...It's quite good. Till my next birthday..