what is the proper thing that a host country should do?
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 8:52 PM
What do you think of the current Ms. Earth? First of all, she's a Pinay! I couldn't believe it either myself. Of course, I'm glad she won but does she really deserve to wear the crown? Does she have the rights to be the title holder? As what I've said awhile ago, I'm glad she won and made the Philippines proud. But, don't you get it? Our delegate won here in the Philippines which is the host country of Ms. Earth. Anyone smells something fishy? This same thing happened on the year 2005 during the South East Asian Games. Philippines won and I can say it's too unbelievable. The then prime minister of Thailand even protested because of the surprising triumph of the Philippines. Don't get me wrong; I'm not even questioning the credibility of the athletes. I believe in them. I just can't understand why did we ranked first in the SEA Games but, didn't even bagged a single medal in the Olympics. I know the competition is crucial in the Olympics but if we can rank first in the SEA Games, we should also have even just a small place in the Olympics. It's just that, are we that too obsess to win and we cannot even control ourselves for once? Are we not ashamed to face countries that have been victimized by our reckless acts? We have to keep in mind that in anything we do, we should first work hard before we reach the peak of success
changes for America has begun
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 8:39 PM
we now welcome the new president of the United States of America.

People who voted for Obama and also the people who cannot vote but believed and supported him along the way are now rejoicing!
