i'm crazy over him
Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 9:46 PM

Cool, dude. Lend me your glasses! I'll get them in the drawer. :]]

Why are you playing with Micky? You should be playing with me. LOL.

And I just love everything about you.

::Isang post ng babaeng baliw kay U-Know. Hayaan niyo na ako. Minsan lang 'to. HAHA! Madami nang nagkakagusto sa kanya; At gusto ko lang ipahiwatig na.. mahal ko siya. <3
credit goes to the owners of the gifs.
Ditch It Out
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 7:08 PM
*screams* EXAM'S FINISHED! Well, not totally; But I'm half way through it. I still have to take my Biotechnology test on Monday. Damn! It should be on Tuesday but she made it earlier. What a pity on my part. We're only given two days to finish nine exams. How is that? This is why youngsters love to cram these days. It's not that we WANT it. It's because we NEED it. Yesterday was that of the easier subjects. Today, it was the dreadful ones. One by one, it killed me. The only missing thing was blood. Maybe it occur as a hemorrhage. :DDD How can you even manage History, Trigonometry, Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health, Computer, and Physics? It's like entering in a battlefield. NO! It's more like giving your ALL, to the point that you've exerted everything but still haven't gotten what you're aiming for. Such heavy subjects must be sorted out and put in different days. Oh. Adults don't know what might happen if they keep on doing it. Haven't they heard of certain suicide cases caused by being frusrated with school?
I should be glad it's almost finished today; But I bet not. It's all mixed up. Happy, because it's almost over. Sad, because I think I didn't do well. Mad, because they're making us do things as if we're robots. Frustrated, because of what's again happening to me.
Smiley Miley
Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 6:49 PM
Talk about Hanna Montana.
My cousins and I watched it yesterday with free tickets. Well, thanks to their dad. ^^, It’s my first time going to a movie house AGAIN for how many months now. I remember what my friend’s brother told him. “Have you ever been to a movie house?” HAHA! So yeah, my cousin came to our house by 12:30. Man, she’s too early. I haven’t eaten my lunch that time so I ate our leftover for breakfast. At least, I ate lunch rather than sacrificing my money to eat outside. And so we went to the movie house. As we waited for her dad and brother to come, we talked about YESTERDAY’S hottest drama- Boys Over Flowers. She loves Sang Bum so much; and I keep on suggesting her to buy a new memory card for her phone. Also, we were laughing at how they showed Tom and Jerry without sounds but kids were still watching it. LOL. Then, we were kind of hungry (Yeah, I know. I just ate but my stomach was again grumbling.) so we went downstairs to buy some ice cream. There we saw her dad and brother. We went up first ‘cause they bought a slice of pizza. We waited again for a certain person to gave the tickets. And there he was, walking closer to us. Yaay!
What’s a movie without popcorns? We bought two of it, add the drinks. One for me, one for my cousin. Then, we entered inside. Luckily, it hasn’t started yet. They were still showing the future movies to be shown. There I saw Blood: The Last Vampire. I’m planning to watch it as soon as it reaches here. Have you watched My Sassy Girl? The Korean one, of course. The lead actress in there is also the lead actress in Blood: The Last Vampire. Whoah! Koreans are really going global. The other featured movies made me scared so I covered my eyes for me not to see it. I know, I’m a cowardly girl.
Then, Hannah Montana The Movie started. I really don’t like Miley Cyrus; But yeah, the first scene was hella hilarious. :D Talk about how her dad stared at a mannequin that I thought it was Miley. And when Miley went inside with Lily, they tore a picture of Hannah that went over her face. HAHA! But there were misunderstanding in the movie. Like, how Miley attended Lily’s Sweet Sixteen as Hannah and not as Miley. And, Hannah having a fight with Tyra Banks just for a pair of shoes. Miley was set to go to NY for a concert, but her dad took her to
I cut it really short ‘cause I already forgot the details. :D But I had fun. I finished eating the popcorn when the movie wasn’t even half way through it. HAHA! That only shows how hungry I was. After the movie, we went downstairs and look at what the sores are in store for us. I saw my friend, Frances. I bought a Photoshop installer. Ssshhh. It isn’t the original one. I tried installing it, but I can’t. Probably because I don’t know how. While waiting for the saleslady to give me what I bought, my cousins went to a shop nearby so, I look at them for a while. Then I saw someone, someone really familiar. Guess who. HE was with his siblings. He looked at me. Our eyes met. He smiled. Gosh! I got a feeling of nostalgia. He’s a person whom I thought is a snob, but it was the other way around. I’m still thinking of it until now. I don’t know why.
In the shop, I saw some great finds. NIKE, PUMA and ADIDAS were available there! Gawd! I’m now thinking what to buy. Anyone has suggestions?
That wraps up my Saturday.
Traffic Jam
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 8:05 PM
T'was only last Monday when I experienced being trapped in a traffic jam. And oh boy, I loved it. It wasn't because I was stucked with my superduperultramega crush. It was because, I felt like I'm in this huge and bustling city like those in TV shows. Where the cars honk so loudly and you just have to cover yours ears because of the deafening sound. The feeling was surreal. If you're wondering why am I so amazed with traffics, you better get here in my place- the BOONDOCKS. You'll never experience traffic 'cause there's a very slim possibility that you'll encounter one. XD It's here where you can have a peek of the other side of the world. We quite have a balanced population so there isn't really any room for traffic. It has never been a part of my daily life. I don't get to my destination late because of it.It just so happened that the celebration of INC took place near my place. People from Abra, La Union, Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur gathered at the Quirinio Stadium to have merrymaking. They set fireworks that even reached San Ildefonso that's quite far. But besides traffic, they left us with rubbish. Styrofoams were all over the place. Trashes were everywhere. It was pure eye sore. I don't know if they are aware of "proper disposal".